
Recursos Humanos Altamente Qualificados

Project name | Highly Qualified Employment in Companies - Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources (SME or CoLAB)

Project code | CENTRO-04-3559-FSE-000085

Main objective | Promote and boost employability (Employ and converge)

Region of intervention | Center

Beneficiary | TEANDM – Tecnologia, Engenharia e Materiais, S.A.

Approval date | 28-08-2020

Start date | 01-03-2021

Completion date | 30-06-2023

Total eligible cost | 61.381€

Financial support | FSE – 30 690,50€

Objectives, activities and expected results:

TEandM's innovation strategy is based on the planned increase in production capacity at the level of thin coatings (PVD) and the exploitation of new opportunities in aeronautical markets. This is an area with a significant degree of national and partly European innovation - coatings with innovative technical and functional properties, with better materials or compositions and increased performance. The implementation of these technologies presents additional requirements in terms of the necessary quality control, given the high demands of the industries it is aimed at.

The project therefore aims to integrate a highly qualified resource to support this function. This reinforcement of competences is based on the necessary improvement of the company's capacities in the area of management and quality systems, with special emphasis on the requirements imposed by the aeronautical sector, in qualifying the company and its employees for a new level of demand in this type of industry.


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