

Project name | STOP SARS-CoV-2 = Strategic Thin-films Opposed to Pandemia – SARS – CoV-2
Project Code | POCI-01-02B7-FEDER-069683
Main objective | OT1 – Strengthen research, technological development and innovation
Intervention region | CENTER and NORTH
Beneficiary organisation | CTCV – Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro
Approval date | 2020/07/21
Start date | 2020/07/01
Completion date | 2021/06/30
Total eligible cost | 212.275€
Support under the Incentive System: R&D Companies and Testing and Optimisation Infrastructures (COVID-19)| 181.941€.

Protective measures are undoubtedly the primary step towards reducing the effect of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus on our lives. But if the protection available is virucidal, it will be the essential aid for reducing the effects of the pandemic. The protection needed to prevent the spread of the current pandemic involves not only protecting people directly, but also common spaces, particularly sensitive areas related to the health sector. The project has two aims - to ensure that the virus is trapped in the filter and that it is deactivated, if possible, immediately. Conventional sub-micrometre filters will have their surface modified by the presence of a thin film, i.e. a ‘new filter’, with a nanometre pore size, smaller than the average size of the virus, made up wholly or partly of an effective virucidal material. These new filters will be made using sputtering, which in Portugal has a prestigious company for the commercial manufacture of thin films. It should be noted that the new filters could be used in new contexts in the near future, such as nanoparticle protection in natural and industrial environments.


Technical Sheet


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